The Line

There has to be a line between being lazy and not wanting to do much and living by the necessities. I am sure there are people around the world wanting to live a simple life. By current world standards, living a simple life has become synonymous with not doing “much”. Ambition, goals, hustle, health insurance policies, and investments, are all aimed at outpacing inflation.

This drive is to beat inflation and anything else that comes our way, as though we may not live to see the next day. And, what if we die the next morning without achieving anything?

If we die with many unfulfilled desires, our soul remains wishing for another chance at life.

What if you die without any desires? That might be the state of moksha or liberation from this cycle of birth and death.

Is this world so terrible that one shouldn’t wish for another life? No, the world is astonishing in ways beyond our understanding; we just haven’t figured out how to appreciate it. We think we are meant to improve the world, but in doing so, we may have begun to erode its magic.

We have stopped accepting this world in its truest form and have given our mental imaginations priority over the true essence of this creation around us. We yearn to convert our mental imaginations into a physical form so that our minds rest in peace.

For context, imagine yourself lying under the open sky with just a simple mat on the ground. You would be able to sleep soundly.
So why is it that, despite all the comforts of modern life, we sometimes struggle to sleep even on the best mattress we can buy?

The point is, that we have failed to find peace in this world as it is. 

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